“Art exists in the state of my being, not separate from myself. It deals with the tension of light and energy and their relationship to time and space; a synthesis of science, history, and artistic expression. I am compelled to create and explore the world around me to find the balance of old and new information. I find myself in the space between the intellect and emotion. Unknown information is revolutionary, confrontational, sometimes terrifying, always illuminating, and a transcendent experience... ‘an elegant state of being’.”
Michael Evans is an artist not unlike the great masters before him. He is an inventor, designer, photographer, painter, sculptor, writer, architect, visionary and time traveler. His works have been shown at the Museum of Contempory Art in New York and every major art museum and planetarium in the United States. He has six children and resides in Laguna Beach, California with his artist-designer wife, D.N. Evans.
fig. 1 “Micky Ball” A simple evolution of complexity
The Micky Ball is a model view of the twenty-dimensional path of the ultimate, indivisible unit of matter. Light itself. A single ray of light which can be described as follows: three- identical faces, 3-edges, 2 vertices, an inside and outside, occupies space has spin ability and flexibility. I call this structure a “TRION RE”. The Polynesians may have called it a “Star Seed”. Leon Lederman, the noted physicist, might have called it" The God Particle".
The “SPACE CLUSTER” theory is based on three simple principles: No straight lines, from the one comes the many and light is a regular solid. Not only is it a regular solid it is the basic building block of the universe and follows a self organizing topology. It is my theory that within every individual ray of light, is life itself. It is the conduit of all things living and material. It is in the path and matrix, of light where the secrets of the universe may be found. Light connects us all.
I hope to illustrate these concepts by using definitions from the online Wikipedia encyclopedia and my own comments, diagrams; and knowledge gained from playing with a children’s toy for the past thirty-five years.
At least as early as 400 BC, Democritus was teaching and writing that the hidden substance in all physical objects consists of different arrangements of atoms and void. Both atoms and the void were never created, and they will be never ending.(1)
The noted scientist Leonard Susskind says we need a new set of “Tinker Toys” to find it. The artist Delacoix once speculated, “It would be worthy to investigate whether straight lines exist only in our brains.”(2)
Delacoix had the right idea. This elemental unit or quanta has remained unknowable because we cannot see it in the idea of a straight line. Straight lines are inventions of our brains. It is only when we explore the world of no straight lines that the space between becomes visible.
Topological spaces are structures that allow one to formalize concepts such as convergence, connectedness and continuity. They appear in virtually every branch of modern mathematics and are a central unifying notion. The branch of mathematics that studies topological spaces in their own right is called topology. Roughly speaking a topological space is a geometric object and the homeomorphism is a continuous stretching and bending of the object into a new shape. A common problem in topology is to decide whether two topological spaces are homeomorphic or not. To prove that two spaces are not homeomorphic, it is sufficient to find a topological property which is not shared by them.
In physics and philosophy, a relational theory is a framework to understand reality or a physical system in such a way that the position and other properties of the objects are only meaningful relatively to other objects. In a relational theory, space does not exist unless there are objects in it.
In particle physics, an elementary particle is a particle of which other, larger particles are composed. For example, atoms are made up of smaller particles known as electrons, protons, and neutrons. The proton and neutron, in turn, are composed of more elementary particles known as quarks.
One of the outstanding problems of particle physics is to find the most elementary particles or the so-called fundamental particles - which make up all the other particles found in Nature, and are not themselves made up of smaller particles.
A line, or straight line, is, roughly speaking, an (infinitely) thin, (infinitely) long, straight geometrical object, i.e. a curve is not always a line. Given two points, in Euclidean geometry, one can always find exactly one line that passes through the two points; the line provides the shortest connection between the points. (1)
There are a minimum of three curved lines that pass through any two points. Straight lines do not exist. It is only a means to describe a non existent one dimension. The first real dimension is the third dimension 1=3. Only the idea of a plane or a line exist as a concept or an invention of man; but not as a reality in the sub atomic world. The line in the middle appears to be straight but is the same curve from a different point of view. See figs. 2 & 3.
The simplest possible regular enclosure has three identical faces, three edges, two vertices, an inside and outside, occupies space, all angles are congruent, has spin-ability, conforms to Euhler’s Rule and is smaller than a tetrahedron, the Trion Re’. It is the sub-atomic geometry of the idea of a straight line. A basic string.
fig. 2 The curvature of the Trion Re’ is 1/6 of circle
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fig. 3 Trion re’ at different scales
The above series of Trion Re’ are three-dimensional strings. The line that appears to be straight is the same curvature from a different point of view. The idea of a straight line can indicate time, direction, division and ego.
The space we inhabit is the same as the sub-atomic level. There are no straight or curved one-dimensional lines ; no two-dimensional planes. We must look at these concepts by not describing space in one or two dimensions. The first dimension is the third dimension. It would appear that the definition of string, theory (below) would have to be revised.
String theory is a model of fundamental physics whose building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects (strings) rather than the zero-dimensional points (particles) that are the basis of the Standard Model of particle physics. For this reason, string theories are able to avoid problems associated with the presence of pointlike particles in a physical theory. Study of string theories has revealed that they require not just strings but other objects, variously including points, membranes, and higher-dimensional objects.(1)
Elastic Interval Geometry. As the cosmic structure grows more complex (dense) it compresses the arc of the 3 curved edges of the “trion re”. The points of convergence become shorter in time but the distance the light must travel remains the same. This process causes tension to increase and energy to compress into smaller and smaller regular geometric shapes, creating gravity as it continues to spin and compress. The light does not disappear. it acts like a gyroscope moving in tighter and tighter orbits surrounded by more and more mass in a smaller amount of space. The building blocks of nature do not fit together like bricks one on top of another They attach on there curved edges and accommodate the flow of cosmic light.
fig. 4 Trion Re’
The shadow of the Trion Re’ in fig. 4 appears to have three Straight lines along its perimeter. It is possible that straight lines only exist in the shadows.
A trion re’ “is the cosmic glue that holds everything together.” It can be described as energetic matter using the principles of force (pushing), gravity (pulling), and radiation (spinning). It is the fundamental string , it is the great creator, it is a single ray of light.
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fig. 5 Flower of Life fig. 6 www.charlesgilchrist.com
The Flower of Life is a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a six-fold symmetry like a hexagon. In other words, the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter. The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest to date example, it is carved in granite and may possibly represent the Eye of Ra a symbol of the authority of the pharaoh. The example at the Osirian temple, with its multiplicity of 90 vesica piscis shapes, may represent the Eye of Ra — a symbol of omniscience, and of royal authority.(1)
Could the ancients have had a concept of string theory? No doubt. The same patterns can be found in the weaving of fabrics and baskets one of the earliest inventions of man.
The ultimate, indivisible unit of matter, light.
fig. 7 Eye of Ra?
In common parlance, a cusp is an important moment usually regarded as a decision point upon which consequent events are determined. More literally, a cusp is a sharp point or apex, such as occurs in two dimensions at the end of a crescent, or in three dimensions. There are a number of technical terms derived from it. When a quantity grows towards a singularity under a finite variation it is said to undergo hyperbolic growth. Hyperbolic growth is highly nonlinear and it is a stronger form of growth than exponential growth.(1)
Nothing exists out of context. Everything is a part of everything else. One leads to another. It is in the overlap of the cusp that each structure shares a common connection. All that matter came from the same place to everyplace. A constant flow, in an infinite vibrating, self organizing, twelve-dimensional fluid stream, thirtine if you add the dimension of time.
Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modeling them as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings. It is considered one of the most promising candidate theories of quantum gravity. In the case of string theory, consistency requires space-time to have 10, 11 or 26 dimensions.
Scientists have lamented that their most powerful microscopes can’t see the inter-action of subatomic forces. They have to build gigantic accelerators that will smash atoms head on to see what elementary particles they are composed of. They dream of a new set of Tinker Toys that will build the models first, then figure the math out later.(1)
I never could understand math but I liked to build models and I patented and manufactured a Tinker Toy set called “Space Clusters” a building kit for ages 7 thru adult (1972). What made Space Clusters different from all other construction systems was “no straight lines”. Flexible rods or strings fitting into curved triangular intersections with out glue; tension was the glue. If I wanted to play with the system, I had to produce the parts.
How do we show the evolution of the ultimate indivisable unit of matter? With our handy dandy old Space Cluster Kit that’s how. You don’t need an atom smasher to see what’s inside.
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fig. 8, 9, 10
Accepted scientific thought:
The four-sided tetrahedron is the simplest possible enclosure, mathematicians call it a “simplex”. Drawn as a cage, or wire frame, it has four windows, four corners, and six edges. No space-enclosing network has fewer windows (facets) than four.(1)
The Trion Re’ is the simplest possible enclosure.(fig. 2, 3, 4) It has two corners, three edges and three windows. It may very well be what is called a superstring.
Four straight lines to connect 4 equal distant spatial points in space.
a. |
b. |
c. |
fig. 11
Four trion re’ instead of straight lines to connect 4 equal distant spatial points in space.
fig. 12 Tetron, fig. 13 Four Tetrons, fig. 14 Octatron Side View Tetron
fig. 15, fig. 16
The Reuleaux triangle is a constant width curve based on an equilateral triangle. The distances from any point on a side to the opposite vertex are all equal.
The Auerbachcian Triangle (5) has an Inner and outer curve. Creating a cusp between the points. See Figs. 16 & 18. The inner and outer arc are .166666 of a circle.
Self-organization refers to a process in which the internal organization of a system, normally an open system, increases automatically without being guided or managed by an outside source. Self-organizing systems typically (though not always) display emergent properties.(1)
fig. 17, 18 Geometron Patent Drawings
Fig. 16 is created by the geometry of fig. 17 & 18. It is the inside curve that makes it possible to see the emergence from a two-dimensional idea to a three-dimensional object In an emergent and self-organizing open system.
A spatial point is an entity with a location in space but no extent (volume, area or length). In geometry, a point therefore captures the notion of location; no further information is captured. Points are used in the basic language of geometry, physics, vector graphics (both 2d and 3d), and many other fields. In mathematics generally, particularly in topology, any form of space is considered as made up of points as basic elements.
Emergence is the process of complex pattern formation from simpler rules. This can be a dynamic process (occurring over time), such as the evolution of the human brain over thousands of successive generations; or emergence can happen over disparate size scales, such as the interactions between a macroscopic number of neurons producing a human brain capable of thought (even though the constituent neurons are not themselves conscious). For a phenomenon to be termed emergent it should generally be unpredictable from a lower level description.(1)
fig. 19
A twenty-dimensional spherical pattern matrix exists in the space between the Micky Ball (fig. 1, fig. 19). The encyclopedia describes a matrix in only three-dimensions.
The horizontal lines in a matrix are called rows and the vertical lines are called columns. A matrix with m rows and n columns is called an m-by-n matrix (or m×n matrix) and m and n are called its dimensions.
A pattern is a form, template, or model (or, more abstractly, a set of rules) which can be used to make or to generate things or parts of a thing, especially if the things that are generated have enough in common for the underlying pattern to be inferred or discerned, in which case the things are said to exhibit the pattern. The detection of underlying patterns is called pattern recognition.
In 1900, Max Planck described quantum theory, in which light is considered to be as a particle that could exist in discrete amounts of energy only. These packets were called quanta, and the particle of light was given the name photon, to correspond with other particles being described around this time, such as the electron and proton.
Particles erupt from the collision point of two relativistic (100GeV) gold ions in the STAR detector of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Electrically charged particles are discernable by the curves they trace in the detector's magnetic field.(1)
fig. 20
Fig. 20 is a two-dimensional slice of the smashing of atoms. The 12 dimensional Micky Ball figs.1, 7, 9, & 22 give us a more complete view and costs considerably less.
Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interactions between them. It is also called high energy physics, because many elementary particles do not occur under normal circumstances in nature, but can be created and detected during energetic collisions of other particles, as is done in particle accelerators.
One of the hypotheses of modern string theory is that our universe consists of at least ten spatial dimensions, of which three are the familiar spatial dimensions, six are compact dimensions curled up too small to be detected, and one (or more) are temporal dimension(s).
Classical physics theories describe three physical dimensions: from a particular point in space, the basic directions in which we can move are up/down, left/right, and forward/backward. Movement in any other direction can be expressed in terms of just these three. Moving down is the same as moving up a negative amount. Moving diagonally upward and forward is just as the name of the direction implies; i.e., moving in a linear combination of up and forward.(1)
Modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic particles, which have less structure than atoms. These include atomic constituents such as electrons, protons, and neutrons (protons and neutrons are actually composite particles, made up of quarks), particles produced by radiative and scattering processes, such as photons, neutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide a wide range of exotic particles.(1)
fig. 21
The black space in fig. 21, may define quarks, stranges and charms in a negative 3d space. Where branes begin to form. At each apex the energy splits into three directions. It appears that new dimensional space is being created in the space between.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics. (The others are leptons.) Antiparticles of quarks are called antiquarks. Quarks and antiquarks are the only fundamental particles which interact through all four of the fundamental forces.
A fundamental interaction is a mechanism by which particles interact with each other, and which cannot be explained by another more fundamental interaction. Every observed physical phenomenon, from galaxies colliding with each other to quarks jiggling around inside a proton, can thus be explained by these interactions. The four forces are Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force.(1)
On one side is Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Einstein saw the large-scale universe as a smooth, curved surface in four dimensions (the three dimensions of space plus time). The gravitational force that binds us to the earth arises from the very structure of that space-time continuum.
On the other side is quantum theory. Beginning in the 1920s, a generation of scientists defined the small-scale universe as a collection of fuzzy phantoms. These subatomic particles couldn’t be precisely located in space and time, but their interaction could be described only in statistical terms.(3)
Using the Space Cluster theory, these fuzzy phantoms can be precisely located in space and time and their interactions observed in real terms.
In cosmology, the anthropic principle in its most basic form states that any valid theory of the universe must be consistent with our existence as carbon-based human beings at this particular time and place in the universe. In other words, “If something must be true for us, as humans, to exist; then it is true simply because we exist.” Attempts to apply this principle to develop scientific explanations in cosmology have led to some confusion and much controversy.(1)
Imagine a loom for weaving a rug, not a two-dimensional loom, but a three-dimensional loom. With a shuttle cock made of a continuous thread of light, “Star Seeds, Trion Re’,” radiating from an infinite number of sources coming from an infinite amount of places for an infinite amount of time un-manifest in the emptiness of space until they find and penetrate the atmosphere of a planet, a womb, of a mother called earth.(6)
If we wish to know the preconditions of organic life, we must reconstruct and examine the environment of the processes operative before and during its appearance. In the early history of our earth, the entire planet was a fiery mass from which the preconditions of life were absent. Over eons of time the earth began to cool, with the change of temperature many of the elements of earth came into being. After more eons, we see the progressive appearance of an atmosphere with air and boiling water and the ever-increasing solidification of magma into solid earth.
The appearance of life can only manifest between an acceptable ranges of temperatures. At the outer edge of the atmosphere, temperatures were to cold to support organic life and the boiling waters of the surface were too hot. “ G…three bears… Above these warm masses of water existed a great zone of vapor, which was not as hot as the water and not as cold as the upper reaches of the atmosphere. It is in this “space between” that these elemental life forms could have first appeared, even if for a brief time. As they fell into the boiling seas, they were they died or they were carried on the currents of vapor into the higher cold zone where they also died. Life existed but, for only a brief moment.
After millions of more years, the space between the cold zone and the warm zone expanded and these first beginnings of life became larger, heavier, developing a thicker skin. It is in this “space between” that we observe the process of not only the beginnings of life on this planet and its evolution to the present.
We must now examine the structure of our “star seed.” As this individual ray of light enters our atmosphere it is traveling at the speed of light, for it is light itself. It is spinning as it moves, creating an electromagnetic field that attracts the matter that is mingled in the vapors of the atmosphere. Matter attaches itself to the membrane “ Trion Re” but has a vulnerable, ephemeral skin or membrane, which is quickly burned away, as it descends to its fiery demise or shatters in the cold upper atmosphere. However, as the process of cooling continues, the amount of matter that is attracted to the magnetic field created by our spinning “star seeds” increases, giving it greater protection from the environment and its existence is prolonged.
There is another thing happening with our individual “Re’”, it is interacting with an infinite number of other “Trion Re”. in a “cosmic constant “ self organizing pattern, it is this pattern that is absolute in the universe and resembles our three-dimensional loom discussed above. As this process continues over millennia our “light beings” grow and become more complex. They become heavier and begin to fall into the now temperate oceans containing more chemicals than existed in the vapor. This enrichment produces a greater variety of the forms of life; new species appeared and a greater diversity of life evolved.
Civilization has followed a linear path to the present. The future splits the line that separates one side from the other. It creates a space between that overlaps each leg of the journey to a new reality. Follow your umbilical cord to the first cord and you will realize you have always been as long as there has been cords. This moment in time and space is but one continuous moment with all time and space. How old am I ? You must start from the first cord, if there ever was one.
All things are connected by the ONE thing; Light. There is no life without light. It is the light that brought us to life. Light is infinite, as is this life. Nothing is lost or can be destroyed. All time is one time. Time is a place we visit whenever we choose. The physical connection from the ONE is never broken. Once the vacuum is punctured a new reality must fill the void. It may sound a lot like physics, but it sounds a lot like religion too. All is one and one is all. We experience and accept the responsibility, that the authentic-self is quite magnificent.
Science, religion, philosophy, all ask the same question ,“Is there an ultimate, indivisible unit?” A fountainhead of all things; a stream connecting and creating all form, in all places for all time; having enough confidence to assume the responsibility for our own magnificance.
fig. 23 Four Tetrons & One Octatron
Who am I ?
You are the Light !
How did I get here ?
In the arc of Light !
What is my purpose ?
Fill the shadows with your Light !
Who are you ?
I AM the LIGHT !
Copyright Michael R. Evans 2006
All Rights Reserved
(1) www.wikipedia.com
(2) Shlain, Leonard, Art & Physics, William Morrow and Company Inc. (1991), p. 33
(3) Paul C. Vitz and Arnold B.Glimcher, Modern Art and Modern Science (New York: Praeger, 1984), p. 183
(4) www.msnbc.com/news/202284.asp. This article is based on material from “Hyperspace” and “Visions” by Michio Kaku.
(5) Robert S. Auerbach was an obscure geometer who first discovered the projective geometry of Space Clusters TM. It was his work that inspired my investigations into the space between. I call his geometry “The Auerbachian Way.” Robert S. Auerbach, Geometer, Transcended February, 14th 2001.
(6) Szekely, Edmond, 1975, The Essene Book of Creation, Academy Books
Reccomended Reading:
Bova, Ben, 2001, The Story of Light, Source books inc.
Barbour, Julian, 1999, The End of Time, Oxford University Press
Capra, Fritjof, 1999, The Tao of Physics, Shambhala
Kaku, Michio, 1995, Beyond Einstein, Anchor Books A Division Of Random House, Inc
Lederman, Leon, 1993, The God Particle, Delta Books-Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
Lightman, Allen, 1993, Einstein’s Dreams, Warner Books Inc.
Schineider, Michael, 1995, The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe, HarperPerennial
Shlain, Leonard, 1991, Art & Physics, William Morrow and Company Inc.
Susskind, Leonard, 2005, The Cosmic Landscape, Little, Brown and Company
Wilber, Ken, 1981, Up From Eden, Shambhala